
Vegan Food - Including Soup, Salad, and Bread


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My Easy Vegan Recipe

While I wish that I could say I cook myself a few nice meals every day, I cannot. Like most people in our modern fast-paced society, I usually eat various snacks and quick meals. When I became vegan, I needed to find quick vegan foods to eat. You can find a lot of vegan pre-prepared snacks and meals in supermarkets and specialty stores such as natural food stores. Of course, I always fall back on a few easy vegan recipes.

The most helpful easy vegan recipes offer a high-calorie and nutritious meal that we can make quickly and easily with common ingredients. My favorite easy vegan recipe is for a vegan peanut butter shake. I made the this easy recipe up myself. It only has three ingredients: peanut butter, banana, and vanilla soy milk.

The only trouble is that the banana needs to be frozen beforehand. I usually keep a few in my freezer so that I have them when I need them. I keep bananas around at room temperature also, and they can go bad quick, so I freeze them when they start to brown. That helps me avoid that annoying habit of buying fresh fruit and then not eating it all before it goes bad. You want to peel the banana before freezing it. I usually just peel the banana and then break it into a few pieces, and then put it in a small plastic bag in the freezer.

To make the shake, I just mix the frozen banana, 1 cup of soy milk, and a big spoonful of peanut butter in a blender. This results in a delicious, nutritious, and filling shake. The peanut butter gives it protein, texture, and a filling taste.

The best part of this easy vegan recipe is that you won't mess it up. The ingredient proportions don't need to be exact. It's as hard to mess up as pouring milk in cereal. Also, it is a very cheap meal.

I hope you like my easy vegan recipe. Do you know of any easy vegan recipes that you would recommend? If you do, please post them in our Vegan Forums, and we may add them to this page.